HeroiX Mission

					console.log( 'Alpha Testing' );
console.log( 'Report bugs to support' );

Market Players and Features

A Different Kind of Talent Marketplace

HeroiX builds a detailed narrative for job seekers, differentiating candidates based on demonstrable capabilities, rather than buzzwords and filters.

Chronicle interview pipelines eliminate costly steps and provide a foundational space for interviews to unfold, minimizing noise, and centralizing discussion in the Chronicle dashboard.

Chronicles crystalize the value of development partners, providing clear validation for claims and amplifying  their networking efforts through the Chronicle Dashboard

The Chronicle dashboard provides candidate narratives, organization narratives, and interview pipelines so recruiters can focus on recruiting.

A Partnership Optimized for Long-Term Value

Too often our economic systems prioritize short-term benefits and shareholder value, leading to a misalignment of incentives that ultimately harms individuals and society as a whole. HeroiX is built with the goal of optimizing for long-term success. 

HeroiX combats perverse incentives by promoting positive-sum interactions and fostering mutually beneficial relationships; both with our customers, and between job seekers and hiring organizations; prioritizing value creation, collaboration, and holistic growth. 

Level Up Your Chronicles

Submit presentations of past work or testimonials from contacts demonstrating real-world impact.

Complete publicly posted project challenges within established time limits to prove your capabilities.

Enter the HeroiX Chronicle Games, demonstrating your capabilities in real world competition with other members.